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Never pay full price for a new phone

Experience the latest models, lifetime warranty, and flexible returns - all from just €5.00 a month. Pay only for what you use and return items when you're done.

Saving € 345

Saving € 82

Saving € 123

I don't pay full price ever again

"Switching to Beneko Mobile has been a game-changer for me. I was skeptical about the pay-for-what-you-use model at first, but after returning my first smartphone, I saw just how much I could save. The process was seamless, and the credit towards my next phone made it even better. Beneko isn’t just a service; it’s a smart way to manage my tech needs without paying the full price."

Affordable. Circular. Eco-friendly.

Cheaper than buying products is enabled by the Circular Economy:
Return items when done in any condition and never pay the full price.
Just let the next customer pay the rest for you.

Maximize Usage, Save Money.

Easily return everything you don't use anymore.
We find a new customer and you get money back.

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How it works

Select the product

Never pay full price again

Add-on premium services:

Enjoy a lifetime warranty or a next business day repair

Use the product as long
as you want

We are always here for you if anything happens.

Return the used product for
second-hand resale

Save money. Reduce waste.

It’s that easy

Shop, use, return, and let’s do it all over again.

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Low monthly fee & never pay full price ever again

Return all at any time & we give it a second life

Just Use & enjoy a cleaner life

“Joining Beneko Mobile was the best decision I've ever made! Not only have I saved hundreds of euros, but the process of returning products I no longer use has truly decluttered both my home and my mind. It feels great to know exactly what to do with all that I don't enjoy anymore. I just send it all back to Beneko!"

99.7% satisfaction rate

in 27 European Union countries + UK

Over 2 million people trust Beneko for their smartphone needs.